Friday Digital Roundup
The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!
We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!
Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both
When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!
My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗
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We may look like cowboys, but we’ll never abuse your data! Find out what we’ll do with it here, partner.
Spaghetti Blog
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Being a Copywriter
So, you want to be a copywriter? Or maybe you just stumbled upon this post because you’re curious about what it is we actually do. Honestly, I’ve lost track of how many people think copywriting is to do with copyright law – it’s not.
Either way, welcome to the fantastical world of professional scribbling; here’s 8 things you probably didn’t know about it!
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Being a Copywriter
1. You’re not just writing, you’re problem solving
Obviously, writing is a big part of being a copywriter (it’s literally in the job title!), but at its core, copywriting is about solving problems. Need to sell a new product? Build brand awareness? Increase email open rates? A copywriter’s real job is to figure out how to connect the dots between a brand’s goals and its audience’s needs, all while making it sound totally natural and engaging for a brand’s specific audience. No pressure.
2. You become a human chameleon
As a copywriter, you’re constantly adapting your voice and tone to fit different brands, audiences, and platforms. One day you might be writing playful social media captions for a pet food company, and the next, you’re writing a serious website for life saving medical tools. This flexibility requires not just creativity, but also a deep understanding of each brand’s identity and the needs of its audience. And that brings me nicely into the “three R’s”. Nope, I’m not talking about reduce, reuse, recycle, I’m on about…
3. Research, research, and more research
Good copy doesn’t come out of thin air. A huge chunk of your time as a copywriter is spent researching. This might mean reading up on the psychology of buying behaviour, snooping into a brand’s competitors, or scouring Reddit forums to understand your audience’s pain points. The better your research, the more effective your writing will be… just don’t get lost down any Reddit rabbit holes (guilty). 🐰
4. Deadlines are your frenemy
Deadlines are a funny thing in copywriting. On one hand, they keep you focused and prevent you from endlessly tweaking your work – my fellow perfectionists will know what I’m on about. On the other hand, they can turn even the most zen of us into caffeine-fuelled stress balls. The trick is to set yourself up some solid systems and learn to prioritise. Oh, and remember that even the best copywriter has occasionally handed something in at the eleventh hour.
Potentially useful tip: Listen to intense Viking music. Weird, I know but trust me. The beats and war cries will make you write faster; the only downside is that you start feeling a little like you’re being chased.
5. Feedback can be brutal (but it’s part of the job)
“I don’t like it” is not uncommon feedback. And while it stings, learning to detach yourself from your work is really important. (Although I get it, sometimes that is easier said than done.) Just remember that your words are not your identity, and criticism isn’t personal. Often, feedback leads to stronger copy and a better understanding of what the client wants.
Actually useful tip: If you know you’re more on the sensitive side (no shame in that!) then keep a folder of positive feedback to help you through those tougher days.
6. You’ll know a little about a lot
Copywriters are the linguistical version of a “jack of all trades”! Being a copywriter means dipping your toes into all sorts of industries and topics. In one week, you might write about bathroom designs, tech gadgets, and financial planning. Over time, you’ll accumulate a random arsenal of knowledge that’ll make you lethal in a pub quiz. Seriously, quiz me on obscure facts about wedding dresses or the benefits of A-Rated windows. I’m ready.
7. SEO is a love-hate relationship
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a pretty big chunk of modern copywriting. Knowing how to sprinkle in keywords strategically can make your copy more visible online but trying to appease the Google gods while maintaining a natural flow can make you feel like slamming your laptop, giving it the middle finger, and pissing off to walk your dog. I’m not going to share if that’s a personal experience or not, all I’ll say is that the best copywriters strike a balance by writing for both humans and algorithms.
8. It’s not all glamorous… but it’s always creative
Yes, writing for a big brand’s ad campaign is exciting. But a lot of copywriting involves less glamorous tasks like revising product descriptions or fine-tuning email subject lines. Still, every project gives you an opportunity to be creative, and that’s something I absolutely treasure about this job. And when you hit the nail on the head and the client loves your work, it’s the best kind of buzz. We recently had a new blog client say: “I’ve read through it a few times aiming to make some changes and tweaks, but I can’t find fault anywhere”, which was not only lovely feedback, but also gave me office bragging rights.
Read this and don’t think copywriting is quite the role for you? We’ll wrangle your words for you with our range of copywriting services and content packages! Come say ‘howdy’ and let’s see if we’d be a good fit.
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1 comment on this article
Charlie Budd at 16:13pm on February 21st 2025
That’s a great blog Tanita and I love the meme at the end.
If people think that ChatGPT can just write great copy for them, they’ve not read this blog.
You are a big deal.