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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Saturday 29th March 2025

The Complete List of Networking Events in Warwickshire – Updated September 2022

networking, networking events, Warwickshire networking

I’m often asked if I have a list of local networking groups, so people can check them out and see which ones they’re keen on before committing to join.

Well, local networking fans, you’re in luck.

Here’s my reasonably comprehensive list of events in the Warwick, Leamington, Stratford, Coventry, and Kenilworth areas. We update this blog fairly often so hopefully you’ll find networking events in Warwickshire that are current and active.

Complete list of Warwickshire Networking Events


The Complete List of Networking Events in Warwickshire

If you know of any others that you feel should be included, please let us know and we’ll update this list.

I hope it helps.


BNI –  Membership organisation

One seat per industry. Local network with a global reach.


Business Buzz

Informal and inexpensive networking.


BookCLUB by Warwick ActionCOACH

A group coaching session, shared learnings, continued self-development, and networking opportunities.


Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

Membership organisation with plenty of support and some events open to visitors.


Coventry & Warwickshire First

For professional and financial services.


Free Warwickshire networking meetings


Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)

Free events, open to small businesses and self-employed individuals.


Ladies-only networking in Warwickshire


Talk Business UK

Events and experiences to help local businesses and organisations.


Other local (paid) networking events


Happy networking!

Have a great time, and don’t forget to follow up with the people you meet! For networking tips and advice – head over here!

Learn how to make the most of your social media marketing right here.

Know of more events? Let me know in the comments and we’ll add them on!

Tags associated with this article

networking networking events Warwickshire networking

24 comments on this article

  • Seánna Holland at 8:22am on June 24th 2015

    Hi Todd and Jo, Please could you add us to the list of events and networking groups? We run monthly social events which are open to anyone and generally free to attend. We also host quarterly paid events which we aim to get high quality speakers at.
    Thank you!

    1. Todd at 8:29am on July 10th 2017

      Added !

    2. Jo at 10:14am on June 24th 2015

      Hi, yes of course! Please can I have the best link?

    1. Todd at 9:24am on June 25th 2015

      Oooh… techy stuff! Yup, we’ll add that!

    1. Jo at 12:06pm on June 26th 2015

      Never heard of that one, thank you Jeremy.

  • Paul Walker at 15:16pm on June 30th 2017

    Hi Todd,
    Thanks for this, great work

    The link to ardencote business network, formerly known as ABN is no more!

    However.. ABN and its band of merry members is still alive and kicking!!, in our 3rd year, and now at our great new venue;

    Hallmark Welcombe Golf Club, Stratford.

    Ascendancy Business Network
    3rd Tuesday of every month, 10am-11.45am.

    Contact me for details 🙂

    07791 986181

    Thank you!

  • Karen Heap at 21:22pm on July 9th 2017

    We run a business support network for women. We have meetings in Rugby, Solihull, Kenilworth, Stratford and Coventry from September.
    Socially Shared is a welcoming and supportive group, which is affordable and inclusive. Each meeting has a mini workshop covering a topic that the ladies who attend tell us they want to know more about e.g. social media, marketing, customer service and so much more!
    We would very much welcome being added to the list and we would also invite any businesses that are attending events or hosting them to add them to our website for free
    Many thanks,
    Karen & Rebecca

  • Freddie at 5:37am on December 16th 2018

    FAB work Graham❤️ Somehow I knew we’d cross paths early in my journey to discover THE BEST of Networking in Leamington and Warwick .. and BEYOND?

    Hasta la vista?

  • Andy Stewart at 16:13pm on March 18th 2019


    I’d like to add the ‘Henley Hub’ to your list of networking events. We meet on the last Thursday of the month and the event is free to attend.

    Thanks very much.

    Andy Stewart

    1. Todd at 15:22pm on March 25th 2019

      Howdy Andy – Added for you!

  • Carole Sleight at 14:17pm on November 5th 2019

    Hello Todd and Jo, I need to put up some networking opportunities on the arts development page which sits rather awkwardly under the art gallery!! Anyhow I stumbled across your page and if ok will list you and all that you have listed as seems silly to duplicate the effort!!

    Many thanks, Carole

    ps have a good break in Lanzarote !

    1. Todd at 9:36am on November 6th 2019

      We’d love that, thank you!

  • Martin Nwangwa at 13:37pm on December 5th 2019

    Hi Todd,
    We have many Networking meeting run throughout the month, in various locations when available. We love to be added toy your list.
    A lot of them are free to attend and are run by the LEP.

    1. Todd at 13:40pm on December 5th 2019

      Howdy! Thanks, we’ll add those in too.

  • Karen at 9:45am on January 28th 2020

    There’s a new BNI group launching in Coventry on Fridays at 10am til midday at the Hilton hotel in Walsgrave Triangle, just off the M6. We have plenty of seats available and you get chips for lunch! It’s a lovely friendly group and visitors are most welcome. Contact me for more details on

    1. Todd at 10:01am on January 28th 2020

      Thanks Karen, We’ll add that now.

  • Anas Khan at 21:01pm on August 12th 2020

    I actually made a friend like that she was sitting next to me and I made a comment about the career fair we were at, until this day we are good friends

  • Anas Khan at 21:03pm on August 12th 2020

    My advice is ask them this “ are you the person that stole my bike “ or “did you throw shit at my nephew’s Car”.
    Always work out for me quite well
    (Don’t forget to have a knife with you)

  • Anas Khan at 21:04pm on August 12th 2020

    “How to start a conversation with anyone, and by anyone I mean anyone at a party. Not the girl behind the counter at the library or the cashier at Walmart whose busy and can’t afford to fraternize too much on the job with random customers.”

    1. Todd at 7:30am on August 13th 2020

      Hhahaha! Thanks Anas. This has made me chuckle this morning…

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