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The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, itā€™s the only email newsletter youā€™ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasnā€™t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deletingšŸ˜¬ My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUPšŸ¤ I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ā€˜The weekend has landedā€™šŸ¤—

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Sunday 30th March 2025

Why Can’t I Share My Business Page On Facebook (Solved)

Wed 7th Jan 2015
By Todd
Facebook, Facebook Pages

Aug 2022 update here

2021 update here

We manage social media accounts for companies and itā€™s just come to my attention that Facebook Pages are sometimes not able to share other Pageā€™s posts.

So if you see a cool update from another business youā€™re now unable to share it to your audience for some business to business kudos.

Looking at the forums itā€™s a massive problem and something Facebook will be looking into. But until then, hereā€™s a cool workaround to keep you sharing posts and helping each other out on Facebook.

?Looking for ways to share your business page? Find them here.?


Why Can't I Share My Business Page on Facebook


Why can’t I Share my Business Page on Facebook (Solved)


Here’s how sharing a Facebook Page post should work

  • Click share on the page post
  • Click on ‘Share on a Page you manage’
  • And you’re good to go with a new post!

Why can't I Share my Business Page on Facebook (Solved)


Not working? Here’s a simple workaround until Facebook fix it


To share the post of the Page go to the actual post by clicking on the date or time that it was posted (this ensures that you have the exact URL of the post).

Facebook Pages tips


Then copy the URL from your browser (Select all and copy to your clipboard cmd + A cmd + C on a Mac or simply highlight all the text and right-click and paste).


Share a Page post

Then click on your home or logo from the top bar and start a new status update.


Paste your URL into the new status. Wait for the image of the post to upload and then delete the messy URL (the post will still link).


Sharing a page post via it's URL


Now write a short intro or whatever you were going to post in front of it so that your audience understands the share. Make sure you also tag the Page by typing @ and then the page name, so that they know you shared it.


And voila! Youā€™ve shared the post as a status update and the Page owner will still know that youā€™ve shared it too.


How to share a business page post from your Facebook page – 2021 update

With News Feed and some other major updates we felt it was time to add a simple update to this annoying issue.

  1. Got to any page you want to share a postĀ from
  2. Click the time/date it was posted
  3. Click share to your page from the next screen (video below shows you how)


How to share a Page post to your Personal Facebook when Facebook just shares the page, not the post! – 2022 update

Here’s an annoying one. Some people report that when they share a page post Facebook simply shares the page itself, not the individual post. Good new if that’s you – here’s a simple workaround.

1.Head to the post on desktop

2.Click on the time the post was shared:

How to share a Facebook post with the URL

3. Then copy the link from your browser and then paste it into a new post like this:

Sharing a Facebook page post


Hope this helps and I hope that Facebook fix this issue really soon!

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Facebook Facebook Pages

51 comments on this article

  • L Cressy at 17:26pm on January 7th 2015

    Thank you so much for the work around. Thought I was doing something wrong. But, I have been working on Facebook for 1 1/2 years and this is the first time this has happened. Now, back to work!

    1. Todd at 17:34pm on January 7th 2015

      Hey, no worries.

      It foxed me for a bit but the workaround should be good until they fix it.

  • Salila at 11:15am on March 30th 2015

    It works, thanks!

    1. Todd at 11:26am on March 30th 2015

      Yay! šŸ™‚

  • Lindsay at 14:57pm on June 1st 2015

    Great. This also means people can’t share our posts…because that work around is a pain! (Especially when sharing from pages with long or weird names….I have to write down their Facebook page name in order to capture that AND the link!) Way to go, Facebook. Again.

    1. Todd at 11:05am on June 2nd 2015

      Hey Lindsay.

      It should be working again now. This was a fault a while back. Is yours still not sharing?

  • J at 9:02am on August 11th 2015

    Hi, I am admin on a couple of FB sites and whenever I try to share a page to my business pages the post comes up on my own personal facebook page. This is frustrating, do you know what I am doing wrong?


    1. Todd at 9:47am on August 13th 2015

      Hi J.

      You need to log in as your page. When you’re logged in as YOU go to the far top right and click the downward arrow. This will let you log in as your Page. MAKE SURE you can see your Page logo in the spot to the left of ‘Home’ as this will mean you are logged in and all comments and shares will be as your page.

      Failing that (there’s anther bug) go to this URL when logged in as YOU and ‘Log in’ next to the Page you want to admin:

      Hope that helps. Happy to chat on email if you have further questions. Just drop us a line on the contact page.

      Good luck.

      1. Chris at 23:58pm on December 21st 2021

        Hi Todd

        I have the same problem described by J here, only the solutions you and everyone else suggests aren’t working for me and I’m wondering if there’s something not linked up right in my account. I managed a different fb page years ago so I’m familiar with the old top-right option to switch between posting/interacting as self vs page but I’m not getting this option with my new page.

        I have a personal profile and a business page. When I’m in my business page I can choose to post as myself or my page using the ‘choose how to interact’ dropdown below my main image.

        But if I go outside of my own page, to another fb page (not my own), I only get the option of posting as myself (my personal profile). There is no drop-down anywhere to allow me to post as my business page. The advice I’ve seen online suggests that there should be the option in the top right to switch between my personal profile and my biz page, or that in the comment itself I should be able to switch. But none of this appears. It’s as if when I’m outside of my own page, facebook forgets that I have a page as well as a personal profile. Really stuck! Hope you can help. Thanks so much.

        1. Todd at 10:47am on December 22nd 2021

          Howdy Chris.

          This is more than likely due to Business Suite/Manager

          Using the Business Suite app is often the best way to get around this. Make sure that you’re an ADMIN in the BUSINESS MANAGER for you page as well as the old fashioned way, too.

  • Jo at 7:09am on August 14th 2015

    Fantastic thanks!

    1. Todd at 9:53am on August 16th 2015

      No worries.

      Facebook can be a really pesky thing at times šŸ™‚

  • Bettertax at 11:16am on January 12th 2016

    Brilliant workaround! This has happened to me this morning (maybe earlier this year bit not noticed) on all the pages my page follows.

    I know some pages use settings to stop comments etc but mostly I have always been able to share content and interesting updates.

    I am sick of Facebook making it harder and harder for SMEs with pages to make communicating with ANYONE so difficult.

    Just gis a break, please!

    1. Todd at 11:33am on January 12th 2016

      Ha… I feel your pain!

      Facebook is only a business at the end of the day though and they need to make money. But, as an advertiser I feel like I’m allowed to rant about them too!

      Thanks for stopping by, Rosie!

  • melissa at 12:46pm on October 30th 2017

    when I try to share a post and tap share it says send as message!! it was working fine up until sunday. I uninstalled facebook, turned off my phone and it still wont let me share posts!!

    1. Todd at 8:39am on November 1st 2017

      When you click share, at the top of your screen you should have options to post on your page, group, profile or event?

  • JohnVDenley at 7:54am on November 1st 2017

    Do you know how we can “post as page” on a mobile without using the pages app?

    1. Todd at 8:39am on November 1st 2017

      You can do this via your browser but it’s a bit messy. You can also do it via the standard Facebook app but it does have a habit of reverting back to ‘you’.

  • Jaye at 17:13pm on November 23rd 2017

    I had been using the work around for some time but it is no longer working either or when it does the images from the original post are not showing on the page the url is being posted too.

    1. Todd at 13:50pm on December 5th 2017

      Well that’s frustrating. It’s still working for me, so try again. Facebook do have their moments. Or, head over to your phone app and do it via there as that can be simpler.

  • Frustrated at 12:43pm on December 7th 2019

    So frustrating – its nearly 2020 and this problem hasn’t gone away.

    It’s so annoying to see the Share button physically disappear as soon as you choose your business page. You can only share to your personal profile.

    Facebook Beta also locks down the Share setting now so that if you create a post on your business page you can’t make it “Public”. Aghh! Why?! It makes no sense.

    1. Todd at 9:06am on December 9th 2019

      I know… it just comes back in a different form each time!

  • Bill at 10:53am on June 30th 2020

    Hi, I am admin on a couple of FB page and whenever I try to share a post from my business page to any groups,post comes up on my own personal facebook page. This is frustrating, do you know what I am doing wrong?

    1. Todd at 11:07am on June 30th 2020


      A few things might be happening:

      1. The groups don’t allow pages to post/join and you’re only in there as a member via your profile, not your page.
      2. Your page AND you are in there, so select the page as the place to from using the icon in the bottom right on the page post BEFORE you click share to a group

      Here’s a quick video I created for you to explain:

  • Yvonne at 14:01pm on July 28th 2020

    I tried this workaround and it looked as though it was going to work exactly as described the entire time I was composing the post… but as soon as I posted it, only the personal page text and the third-party article linked in the business page post appear. It’s as if I’m just posting the article on my personal profile page. The entire description and the identifier/heading from my business page are missing, so it just looks like a regular personal post with no business affiliation.

  • E at 19:24pm on September 22nd 2020

    So, if my business page post has a link, when I copy the URL and follow your advice, it only post the link, not the actual post. Any advice?

    1. Todd at 12:40pm on September 25th 2020

      Yeah, that’s really annoying but the same on ALL shares. Facebook shares the link from the post, not the entire post.

  • Georgia at 10:22am on October 24th 2020

    Hello! I have an issue regarding the location of my facebook page. I included correctly the address, but when I try to post something, I cannot find my facebook page as location. Why is this happening?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Lenka at 7:59am on November 9th 2020

    Hello, I have a question regarding posting to Groups from pages that were added as Locations (Shops) under Main Comapny Page. I have main company page and now I’m trying to structure my other offices/shops under the main page. To do that succesfully, FB asks to disconnect all the groups. Once the page is added as location, connection to groups is no longer available for the Location page. Only Main Company page is able to connect to Groups. The thing is, that each shop was used to share news in their groups in their locality, now it looks like it’s not possible. What can we do? Thanks a lot

    1. Todd at 11:32am on November 9th 2020

      Howdy! Ah, that’s annoying! Can you share the news and products into the groups as you – from your own profile?

      1. Lenka at 12:21pm on November 9th 2020

        Yes, that’s working (id I’m a member of the Group). But before that I was in the Group as a company and was able to share as a Comapny Page. šŸ™ Of course I would prefer this way.

        1. Lenka at 12:27pm on November 9th 2020

          And of course, my employees would prefer to share as a page again, as they prefer this way to share from their personal profile.

  • SwiftChat Live Chat App at 12:55pm on November 17th 2020

    Simple and to the point, thank you.

    1. Todd at 10:25am on November 19th 2020

      My pleasure. Thanks for commenting.

  • Slavica Filipovic at 7:13am on November 18th 2020

    This is something I will definitely try. Thank you so much for sharing, I hope it will help me.

    1. Todd at 10:24am on November 19th 2020

      Thanks. Let me know how you get on?

  • Abdul at 7:19am on May 15th 2021


    Despite being a creator & an admin of a fb page Iā€™m unable to share my page. Whenever I try to share, it says, ā€œYou donā€™t have permission to access this profileā€.

    Whenever I copy the link and share through WhatsApp or other platforms the following pops up at the browser, ā€œError fetching dataā€. And that happens with everyone. No matter whoever tries to share from whichever device.

    Kindly, please advice. Thanks in anticipation.

    Kind Regards,
    Abdul Moeed

    1. Todd at 6:27am on May 27th 2021

      Howdy. With the link you’re sharing, is that or as that can make a difference.

  • Stephen Crewson at 12:43pm on August 12th 2021

    Thanks for the help Todd. I was facing this issue and the workaround works well.

    1. Todd at 9:34am on September 23rd 2021

      My pleasure. Just added a 2021 update at the end of the blog, too. Simpler.

  • WorkTime at 14:07pm on November 29th 2021

    Thank you Todd. It really helped me

  • mac at 20:52pm on February 23rd 2022

    Hi Todd! Thank you so much for this quick tip! It helped me a lot! God bless you. : )

  • Peter at 22:12pm on February 24th 2022

    Hi, I’ve been trying to share another business’ original post for the last 3 hours. It used to be so simple, but the Zuck had to go and “simplify” things again.

    I tried clicking the time stamp, copying the post URL and pasting it on my business page. Theoretically, the app should read the meta data and add the original text since that’s what it links to but it doesn’t. It only shares the video, not the company who shared it or their accompanying text, which is 66% of the entire reason for posting. PLEASE HELP!!!! (for my own sanity).

    1. Amanda R at 1:24am on August 30th 2022

      I am a chamber director and make lots of posts. Some of my board members informed me that they try to share some of the chamber posts about our events and it just shares the chamber Facebook page not the Facebook post. Iā€™m not a technology fan most of the time and I have googled lots of different wordings and I have no clue what to do. Any help would be great! Thanks

      1. Todd at 11:56am on August 31st 2022

        Howdy. Ah, this is a fairly simple one I suspect. If you get them to share the URL for the post (copy and paste it into the new post) then it might work better. I’ve seen this share bug before and this fix got around it.

        To get the post URL, click the time the post was posted at the top of the post (August 26 at 11:59am for example). Here’s a link to a post we shared to show you what I mean:

        1. Hanne Jacobs at 8:34am on October 4th 2023

          I’m having the same issue but unfortunately copying the post URL does not solve the problem. When I open the URL in my browser, I can see the post I should be seeing. However, when I go to my Facebook page and enter the URL when making a post, the preview shows only a link to the Facebook page, not the Facebook post I wanted to share. Anyone have an idea where this behavior is coming from? Could there be an issue with the settings of the original post? I already checked the privacy settings and it is on “public”. I have never experienced this issue before. Is there any other work-around other than using the post URL?

          1. Todd at 11:45am on December 11th 2023

            Is this for all links? Or just some? Sometimes the opengraph data needs re-scrapping.

  • Shazia at 17:03pm on September 10th 2023

    “Hello, I need assistance. I am encountering an issue concerning sharing my posts in groups on Facebook. Why is Facebook not allowing me to share posts in groups, and how can I resolve this?”

    1. Todd at 10:24am on September 21st 2023

      Howdy. Are you a member of the group? Is your page a member of the group?

  • Gary at 12:08pm on December 27th 2023

    Hi, I seem to be having the issue when trying to share a business post from a personal account, it just shows a link to the business page and not the specific post? I’ve tried the copy/paste URL suggestion for the post but it still just displays the business page. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
    For context:
    I manage the business page
    The post I am trying to share is a ‘boosted’ post
    When trying to share other posts from the same business it works fine
    I am trying to share to groups from my personal account

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