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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

How to Make Short Form Videos That Get Views and Engagement: A Framework

Mon 5th Aug 2024
By Todd

Social media remains a tough nut to crack for most businesses. The vast majority of content created by businesses just languishes on limited timelines with little to no interaction, and certainly gains no sales. Social media hasn’t got easier – in fact – it’s got harder!   

So, is it a waste of time 

No, far from it.  

Are there some really easy ways to get more reach, more engagement and ultimately more sales?  

Well, not quite easy, but short form video is hugely popular right now and there’s a really big plus to video, and it’s this: most business either suck at it or don’t do it. At all.  

So, how can you make great short form videos? Let’s take a look… 

How to Make Short Form Videos That Get Views and Engagement: A Framework

Getting views on social media has now heavily moved towards video—short form video! 

This is mostly due to the success and influence of TikTok.  

TikTok has really changed the game for a few main reasons: 

  1. The video content gets most of its views from non-followers due to the way TikTok creates the timeline. 
  1. Your timeline is built in real-time, changing as you view content. So, the content you’ll see in a few videos’ time is related to content you’ve viewed recently. 
  1. Followers don’t matter. This is the big difference. Whereas on Instagram you need to build a following to gain mass views, on TikTok you don’t. 


Even YouTube has created a short-form option with YouTube Shorts, showing the impact TikTok has had. YouTube is the second largest search engine and one of the longest-standing content platforms, and even this behemoth has had to adapt. 

So, how do you make the most of your content and the time it takes to create this content?  

Especially as most of the platforms are now pushing their TikTok replicas over the other content in the timeline?  

Even LinkedIn has added a feature where you can scroll up after watching a video from the timeline to view more videos from non-connections! Yup, LinkedTok has happened! (Not a word.) 

Here’s a simple framework for you that should serve you well for most short-form videos. 

0-5 Seconds – The HOOK 

The start is key to engagement. Get this wrong, and you’ll fail at short form video.  

Right at the start, tell them what you’re going to tell them and also hook them in. Hook them into the content with a phrase or sentence that will not only resonate with them (as it speaks to their pain/experience/situation) but also included one or some of the following: 

  • Shocking content – say something they wouldn’t have expected or didn’t know.  
  • Interesting message – intrigue them with a pattern-interrupt one liner that promises more. 
  • Unusual beginning – sometimes just being odd or whacky can be enough to keep them watching. 
  • Negative message – like it or not but the human brain is wired for negativity so posting negative content or messages gets attention. 
  • Trending topics or sounds – making the most of what is already getting viewed makes a lot of sense, right? 

The Hook is the make or break for your short-form video. Start right away, with the most important/exciting/shocking part of your video. 

Here’s an example script for you 

Sharing some insights into a carbon-neutral initiative?  

Don’t say:
“Hello, we’ve just had our report come back from our carbon-neutral survey and thought we’d share the findings with you.” 

Do say:
“You’re never going to be carbon neutral! 76% of companies admitted that they’re not doing enough to work towards carbon neutrality… even though they want to – and here’s why!” 

5-30 Seconds – The pre-content, content! 

Now sell them the video. A small amount of pre-framing is okay here, but don’t waffle or go into too much detail as the user is still deciding if they want to stay. Energy is important here, as is a change of background, angle, pace, or even introducing a prop and working on something while you speak. This is where you need to work hard to keep them engaged. 

Here’s an example script for you 

Don’t say something like this:
“Right, let’s start reading through this report. Page 1. Who we spoke to and what we asked them.” 

Do say something like this:
“A recent carbon-neutral survey showed us that companies aren’t doing enough to help the planet, not because they lack money or motivation, but because they lack the right info. Let’s dive into the three key things they need to know and how to fix it.” 

30 Seconds onwards – The content 

And now you can give them the content. You’ve done well to get them here and the algorithms have classed these people as viewers which is great for your future content (most experts believe that TikTok classes anything over a few seconds as a view now!).  

Keep it punchy, edit the “ums” and “ahs” out later, and please don’t repeat yourself. Short form content is supposed to be short. If they need or choose to watch again – great, that’s more views for you!  

The end – CTA 

Leave them with a final thought and a CTA as this will help you with engagement, especially if you ask for comments.  

Ideally, on short-form video, you want the CTA to be engagement or to head to your profile for a link (or include the link if you’re not on Instagram).  

Be careful not to overdo the links as most people won’t click links, but many will comment or like/share, so the ask for engagement is likely to happen and will help your future content get seen by them.  

Maybe go for the link CTA every five videos? This isn’t exact science here, but just an idea. 

The main point though is to get them to do something and leave impact. Summing up the video and asking a question is a simple way to do both.  

Here’s an example script for you 

Don’t say something generic like this:
“There’s always more we can do and here at XYZ company we help companies like yours to do that.” 

Do say something passionate like this:
“The impact of carbon footprints on profits is real. The supply chain will soon feel it, and if you’re not addressing your carbon footprint, it could mean losing business. Larger companies may not choose you. Want to join the proactive 24% and get ahead? Talk to us now or ask a question in the comments.” 

Overall short form video advice  

Short-form video is fast and built for the scrollers. You really need to get to the point right away or you’ll get very few views.  

The way most algorithms work is like this: 

  1. The social platform shares the video with a small audience to test it first. 
  1. If they don’t watch past a few seconds, then your video is toast!  
  1. If they do, then the platform shares your video with a slightly wider audience and then repeats the process until your views and retention of viewers waivers.  

Nothing more will happen if your content doesn’t keep people watching for those first few vital seconds. So, you need to create content that not only gets attention but keeps attention too.  

You’re being tested on real people, every time, and you’re only as good as your past and current content. You can easily fall down on reach and views if you lose your short-form gains! 

Here’s the good news. Most people won’t bother. Most people who read this blog or watch the countless videos and content online showing them and telling them how to use short form video just won’t bother.  

And that’s your opportunity.  

Will you take it? 

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