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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Repurposing Your Content – Is Your Old Blog Really Worth Revisiting?

Wed 4th Sep 2024
By Todd

“Create more content!”
“Update your website!”
“Keep adding to your website!”

Man, it’s a full time gig this digital marketing, ain’t it?

If you’re a small business, and you’re anything like us, you’ve probably been adding content to your blog, social media, and emailing your list for a while now.

Blogging, although not new, is still a great way to boost your website’s visibility:

  • Blogging can boost your overall position on Google as you add keywords (hopefully) aligned with your SEO!
  • Blogging is good for driving people back to your site (also good for SEO)
  • And a good blog gives you content to share on social and email.

But it’s time-consuming to create decent blogs.

So what about reusing or updating those older blogs?

Is it worth revisiting them?

And will this save you time, not take more of it?

We think so. Here are three things you could do right now and why you should.

Repurposing Your Content

Repurposing Your Content – Is Your Old Blog Really Worth Revisiting?

Updating your content helps your SEO

There’s nothing wrong with going back to old content that’s performed well in the past and updating it. In fact – it’s been encouraged by Google in the past.

Updating old content to make it more helpful and reliable will certainly bring it in line with Google’s recent updates. Updating any blogs that you’ve noticed on Google’s Search Console as a top performing post is to be encouraged. If you can see an opportunity to add to it with newer information and also where you could better optimise those titles, and headings – go for it!

Just keep that URL the same, OK?

Things change, so should your blog content?

In our world, things change constantly. In fact, we’re often very nervous about creating a “how to” guide for social media because the screenshots on the blog can become out of date faster than a viral meme about the last Olympics!

So, if things have changed, data has been updated, or even if your views have changed, then do a little audit and see where you could update it.

You might want to consider the date of the post too although this is a very contested topic and we tend to keep them as they were. Here’s what Google say:

When you write something new, or siginificantly change something existing, then change the date. Changing the date without doing anything else is just noise & useless.

(@JohnMu) February 5, 2022

Adding to old content also helps SEO

We have several blogs on our site that we’ve added to time and time again. We’ve also added to the blog to clearly state we’ve updated it, too.

This blog always drives a lot of traffic for us, but guess what? Facebook changes. Constantly. So, the workarounds, bugs, and screenshots do, too.

Keeping your content up to date is not only good for your SEO (Google needs our content as it doesn’t create it for the search, right – we do) but it also means that the advice, thoughts and views you’re sharing are correct.

Don’t create more, improve the focus on your blog content

Let’s talk benefits of scale here. You’d think that more blogs equals better SEO, right? Well… not always.

Ideally, your blog should talk about the products and/or services you offer in the tone and using the words your ideal prospects and customers would search for them.

In an ideal world, a high percentage of your blog posts will be focused on a few topics.

So, if over the years (like we have), you’ve got a little “blog happy” or even lacked inspiration so just wrote about something new, you might find your overall “keyword focus” is a bit off.

So instead of creating new, you might want to DELETE old, instead. Yup, deleting blogs is also a good idea if they’re simply not aligned with your current marketing or SEO strategy then talking them out helps send the right message to Google.

Deleting and updating existing blogs might actually be better than creating new ones when you consider the overall keyword focus and the improved concentration of SEO you’ll get.

While you’re there – repurpose it!

We’re big fans of making the most of your content.

Why should a blog just be a blog, right?

When you find those old blogs, think about how they could become a video, a series of Facebook posts, or a collection of TikToks.

The internet and social media has changed and expanded since you wrote that old blog. Where could you put that content now?

We like to use a GPT called The Maximiser that we built. It Maximises our content into multiple pieces of content.

From one blog post we could create all this:

  • Email
  • Facebook Posts (5 posts)
  • LinkedIn Posts (5 posts)
  • Instagram Posts(5 posts)
  • Facebook Stories (3 stories)
  • One story will be a series using key points from the content (one story per key point)
  • Instagram Stories (3 stories)
  • One story will be a series using key points from the content (one story per key point)*
  • Facebook Reels (3 reels)
  • Instagram Reels (3 reels)
  • YouTube Shorts (3 shorts)
  • TikToks (3 videos)

So, while you’re updating that old blog post – Repurpose it!

There are 4 main reasons to rework your old blog content:

  • It improves your SEO.
  • It keeps your content accurate and updated.
  • Removing old blogs improves the overall SEO core message.
  • And you can repurpose that content, which will save you loads of time as it’ll mean you don’t need to start from scratch with your social or email content – and you also might not even need to create more blogs!

Revisiting your old blogs can improve your SEO and save you time.

We definitely recommend it.

One of the best ways to find your best-performing blog posts is to head over to your Search Console and then follow these steps.

  1. Head over to Google Search Console and log in to your account. No account? You can set one up as long as you have Google Analytics on your site.
  2. Select the website property you’re keen to snoop around.
  3. Click on the “Performance” tab. It’s like the VIP section of your dashboard, showing off key stats like clicks, impressions, CTR, and where you rank.
  4. Hit up the “Pages” tab in the “Performance” report. Here’s where you’ll see all your URLs lined up, ready to tell you who’s the boss.
  5. Sort by “Clicks” to see which posts are grabbing the most attention or sort by impressions, CTR, or average position as this might show you posts that are triggering the search engine but not getting many clicks. Improvement to your post could drive a tonne of traffic here.

And there you have it—your secret sauce to spotting top-performing blog posts and understanding why they’re smashing it.

Now go on, give your content some well-deserved love!

Want more ideas or repurposing? Download our simple guide below.

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