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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Saturday 22nd February 2025

Why you need to hire a professional blogger

Blog, Blogging, Content, Copywriting, Proofreading

Blogging is one of the best ways to give your website up-to-date, fresh and relevant content. Google has changed dramatically over the last year and now one of the best things you can do is offer great value to the web. Blogs offer your visitors something unique and useful to them and in turn keep Google happy too.

We all want great traffic to our website, right?! If you want to increase your numbers of visitors but you’re not blogging then you really do need to start.

Why you need to hire a professional blogger

What is blogging? 

Blogging is simply an online diary or advice forum run by you on your business. It’s about the industry you’re in and it can be an extension of your social media activity.

Blogging is not like a news feed or a newsletter.

Blogging is not like Facebook or Twitter.

Blogging is not a white paper or a long overdrawn novel about your offering.

Blogs are short and to-the-point.

Blogs are informational; not salesy.

Blogs offer your visitors something of value that they can take away.

Blogs can and should build an audience of valued readers and customers.

Most blogs are around 800 words although anywhere between 300 and 2000 is considered a good length. Blogs are usually (and should) be part of your website and are simply and area where you can post blog after blog and add layers of content on your website. Blogs are tailored to the online reader and should be aimed at visitors with no time, no patience and no attention span.

Blogs are like conversations with your audience that help them achieve tasks, find out more information, educate them and help them to be good at what you do! Show people that you know what you’re doing and they’re more likely to buy from you. And even if they don’t – at least they visited your website.

Google logo on a wall

Why is blogging good for your website?

Google has changed. If you’re trying to be the best and you’re trying to be top of Google then you need to follow Google’s lead. Since the huge updates last year with Google’s algorithm (clever code that gives you results on Google) the old methods don’t work and can harm your website’s chances of ranking high.

Blogging gives Google what it wants. It provides your website with a constant stream of relative and engaging content that people will find value in. Google wants to give people value – and unless your website offers this it won’t send people to you.

Blogging about tips, advice, useful information, interesting advice and opinions is the way to go. If you Googled something now about a problem, the chances are a forum would be in the top results. Forums are really useful sources of information. A blog can offer this great content and it’s not on someone else’s website.

A well maintained and updated blog drives people to your website about the very thing you do – that’s targeted traffic!

Why should you start blogging?

Your competitors are blogging. Do you want to fall behind?

Blogging generates 80% of our organic trafficBlogging is not an option in our minds. 80-90% of our organic traffic (that’s the people who Google stuff and find us) comes from our blog. This stands to reason as our blog is the largest part of our site and offers people the answers to the questions that they Google.

Things have changed. You can’t cheat the system to be number one on a Google and that’s a plus in our minds. Most ‘tactics’ have been banned in favour of quality content. Link building is still important for your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) but it’s becoming more and more obvious that Google is using a more complicated method to give people the top results in a search.

What do WE want as Googlers? Quality results. Does cheating the system give this? No. Does spending time writing blogs like this do this? Yes, when written well.

Why should you hire a pro blogger?

Blogging is an art. We’re not too modest to say that. Giving your audience AND Google what they want isn’t something we fell into. Blogging well takes time and it takes skill. Writing is a skill, but writing online is a different skill. Just because you nailed English Lit doesn’t mean you’re a pro blogger.

Blogging is a unique style of writing and it suits pro bloggers. We’ve seen many attempts at blogging and we’ve seen many amazing results too. Blogging can attract 1000s of hits to your website when done well.

A professional blogger knows how to craft a great article that keeps the reader and the search engine engaged. I’m a professional blogger but I couldn’t write a thesis. Writing is an amazing subject and it offers up many different styles and results, but not all of them will suit the platform that they’re on.

If you hire a professional blogger they will research your audience and your keywords, and align the blogging with your SEO strategy (or advise you on one if you don’t have one).

We think outside of YOUR box

You’re too involved! You know too much about your business and what you think people will search for is often not correct. We don’t know your business and we approach it from the same angle that your audience and customers do. It’s not about the details of how you do what you do; it’s about how it solves the issue that your customers have. A good blog needs to address this.

Typing on a keyboard

We can write 1000 words in 30 minutes!

Can you sit down and bash out 1000 words on any given subject in a good time? Is blogging for your own business a good use of time? Our blogs are optimised for search engines. They’re proofread by a professional. Our blogs are interesting and engaging to the reader. Can you get all that done in a short space of time? Or is your time more valuable?

You do what you do, and we do what we do

We know how to blog and you know how to do what you do. If you’re an accountant and you asked us to complete a tax return or reconcile our bank in Sage we’d give you a funny look. If you’re an accountant, what makes you a good blogger?

Outsourcing your jobs to professionals is a time and cost-effective way of working, offering better results and better business.

We practice what we preach – read our blogs

Don’t be fooled by people that preach and don’t practice. If you’re looking to hire a professional to manage your blog – look at their blog! We blog at least once a week and we’re seeing great results from it. We know we’re worth the leap as our customers tell us so. If you need help getting a return on your blog then call us.

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Blog Blogging Content Copywriting Proofreading

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